We Don't Want Your Kind In Our Town...

A story in today's Ventura County Star includes a telling anecdote about a woman who ran a tattoo shop in Granada Hills, but says she was driven out after four years by the neighborhood council (it doesn't say which one -- North or South) because it was believed that her clientele were "a bad crowd." According to the article, the neighborhood council keeps "a list of businesses" they don't allow.

So the owner of The Tattoo Room picked up and left Granada Hills for the more liberal and tolerant environs of... wait for it... Simi Valley. After the relocation, her business is now flourishing.

This story left me with many questions. If tattoo shops aren't allowed in Granada Hills, then why do we still have one? And since when did Simi Valley become more liberal than us?


  1. The Neighborhood Councils don't have the authority to do that, but the Tattoo Parlor was located on Chatsworth Street betweenn White Oak and Zelzah, so it's kinda obvious she was referring to Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council.

  2. There have been tattoo parlors within Granada Hills South NC, but the council only serves as and advisory role and we follow what is in the Granada Hills- Knollwood Specific Plan. Tattoo Parlors and not permitted in the specific plan, and the council has worked with the councilman's office to take these businesses out of the area. If you would like to voice an opinion about this then my suggestion would be to attend a Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting or a General Board Meeting. Visit the Councils website at www.ghsnc.org for those meeting dates. We welcome everyones comments.

  3. Dave Beauvais, President, GHSNCOctober 13, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    The Granada Hills-Knollwood Specific Plan bans a number of businesses in Granada Hills. The Granada Hills-Knollwood Community and Specific Plan is currently under review. There have bee a number of workshops and public forums during the process, and I can't recall any suggestions that we modify the list of businesses that cannot operate within the plan boundries.


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