
Showing posts from September 24, 2009

Victory Over Verizon!

Verizon has agreed to move those pesky FiOS boxes! Contra Costa Times story here. *Update* 4:31 p.m. Here is a letter on the issue from Jerry Askew of GHSNC: Good News! Verizon has tentatively agreed to relocate all of their low-mounted FiOS boxes in the City of Los Angeles. This is a huge win for our community as it will eliminate the graffiti nuisance and various hazards presented by the boxes. The agreement will be finalized at the Board of Public Works meeting on Friday, September 25th (see meeting information at the end of this email). Many cabinets can simply be raised above 8ft. on the pole. Some cabinets will need to be moved to another pole or converted to a ground-mounted cabinet (aka an Above Ground Facility or "AGF"). AGFs require a permit, notification of adjoining property owners and a public hearing. Accordingly, those may take some time to complete. There will be a minor interruption of service for Verizon's customers while their box is being rais...