
Showing posts from February 12, 2010

My Missing Cat.

There are plenty of Granada Hills news items I could be blogging about today if I were a good and responsible citizen journalist. Granada Hills Charter made the finals in the Academic Decathalon and the team's going to the state championships. The Balboa Highlands Eichler tract is finally getting that Historic Preservation Overlay Zone designation that residents there have worked on so hard for so long. And you can read about those things if you click on the links. But all I can really think about right now is my lost cat, Killian. He was always a wanderer—he'd tasted freedom as a stray kitten, before he'd wound up at the pound, and although he was still young when I adopted him, he'd already made up his mind that the life of an indoor cat wasn't for him. At least not during the daylight hours. But by nightfall, he'd be back in my house, sleeping at the foot of my bed every night. The last time I saw him was on Tuesday morning, while I was interviewing t...