
Showing posts from September 9, 2009

Onward, Christian Cyclists

Open just two weeks, the brand new Joseph's Bikes and Books on Chatsworth (near Encino Ave.) offers an interesting combination of wares: Bicycles and Evangelical Christian literature. The bike selection is mostly second-tier -- not high end, but not Wal-Mart, either -- and the book selection is 99% for children and 100% Christian. Titles like Bedtime Bible Stores and Good Manners For Christian Children share the shelf with a glossy coffee table celebration of Mel Gibson's bloody Passion of the Christ. Also provided free for the taking was a plentiful selection of Jack Chick tracts, those irresistible mini-comics that explain how to achieve salvation through graphic black-and-white illustrations. Among the store's selection of Chick tracts was "Bewitched," which describes for readers the ways in which reruns of the popular Elizabeth Montgomery/Dick York/Dick Sargent sitcom lead young people to drug abuse, and "The Sissy" which follows a hunky, muscul...