Fumi's Tropical Fish

Despite the deteriorating sign and grimy interior, Fumi's gets good reviews from hobbyists for fish care know-how. I'm a regular buyer of seven-for-a-dollar goldfish there since my fishpond is frequently decimated by neighborhood raccoons . They do have an impressive selection of fish -- it's clear that all of the money Fumi's makes goes into inventory, and none of it goes into maintenance. Overheard in the aisles: "They've got a lot of great triggers here." When I asked the owner if I could take his picture for this blog, he demurred, saying that as a published author he wanted to keep a low profile. It turns out that Fumi's current proprietor (Mr. Fumi retired, and so did the two Thai ladies who followed him) has published many short stories in Korean, and one in English that's listed on Amazon.com , and is currently at work on another novel. That means that Fumi's is the fish and literary capital of our town. Who knew?