
Showing posts from August 5, 2010

Proposition 8: Ruling against Prop. 8 could lead to federal precedent on gay marriage -

Judge strikes down Prop. 8, allows gay marriage in California [Updated] Proposition 8: Ruling against Prop. 8 could lead to federal precedent on gay marriage - This news comes as no surprise to me; from all the coverage of this trial I read, it seemed clear that the defense did a really pathetic job. But how could they have done otherwise? Their position was, from a constitutional standpoint, indefensible under equal protection, just as past bans on interracial marriage were. I'm most curious to see if any Ninth Amendment arguments will come into play when this gets to the court of last resort. Five and Fourteen, sure, but will they have the nerve to bring up naughty number Nine? I doubt it. We all know how Scalia and Thomas are going to vote, so that's a done deal. (Oops, forgot O'Connor was retired -- dumb comment redacted .) Then there's the whole (perpetually unmarried) Elena Kagan situation.... As the saying goes: may you live in interesting tim...

Smokin' Willie's BBQ Truck In Town Tonight

Smokin' Willie's BBQ truck will be in town tonight from 6-8pm at the usual food truck stop, Chatsworth near Zelzah. Here's their menu .