Granada Hills Trivia Contest

Win tickets to Outdoor Cinema this Saturday!
A pair of tickets goes to the first person who emails with the correct answer one of the following questions:
1. Who is the honorary mayor of Granada Hills?
2. What type of trees are a historic landmark on White Oak street?
3. What famous architect designed the building that is now a liquor store on Chatsworth Street in Old GH?
4. Before it was Chatoak Pet Clinic, the building on White Oak and Chatsworth was a former soda shop/house of ill repute called ________.
5. Which memorable scene from which Judge Reinhold film was shot on which street Granada Hills?
6. Fill in the blanks: writer___________ used to spend all of her time writing for this blog, but then she moved on to devoting most of her time to a paying gig at ______________.
Please only answer if you really want the tickets. One pair of tickets per respondent.