
Showing posts from November 17, 2010

GHSNC Endorses Granada Hills Charter To Run Valley Region High School #4

Granada Hills South Neighborhood council on Thursday voted to endorse Granada Hills Charter's proposal to run Valley Region High School No. 4, better known to Giga Granada Hills readers as George W. Diddley High. Of nine original applicants, the remainder dropped out or consolidated with what is now the only other applicant, LAUSD's Local District 1. GHSNC member Brad Smith said, "From my point of view, based on GHCHS' track record and the detailed executive summary of their plan for VRHS#4 they have provided to the public, including their very strong fiscal record, GHCHS made a very compelling case. They have a very successful program, and I think the odds are in their favor they will be able to duplicate it at VRHS#4." GHSNC member Julie Carson, who teachers at LAUSD's Rinaldi Adult Center and is that school's UTLA chapter chair, however, was the sole vote in favor of Local District 1's plan. "For me, there’s a larger issue here tha...