
Showing posts from January 21, 2010

E Waste Recycling This Friday Morning

Van Gogh Street Elementary School Parking Lot 17160 Van Gogh St Granada Hills, CA 91344 Friday, January 22, 2010 7:30 am to 10:00 am Why Recycle? Every day, U.S. consumers get rid of 137,000 computers and 355,000 cell phones according to estimates by the EPA Only 10% are actually recycled. The vast majority of electronics are simply thrown away. What Can I Recycle? Check your house and garage for disused electronics you wish to safely dispose of. “E-Waste” refers to a wide range of electronic products which can be recycled, including: - Computers and Laptops - TVs, Monitors LCDs and VCRs - Computer Components - Stereo Components - Printers, Copiers, and Scanners - Telephone Equipment - Cables, wires and power supplies - Modems, Routers, and Fax machines *** NO Refrigerators, Microwaves, Washing Machines, Dryers or Dishwashers.***

Does Granada Hills Have Los Angeles' Best Ecclesiastical Building?

The Los Angeles Conservancy and its Modern Committee have put up an an online poll so that Angelenos can vote for The best ecclesiastical buildings built during the 1960s. It's the third in a series of polls that began with voting for buildings in the civic/institutional and retail/commercial categories from that decade. Although the Valley in general and Granada Hills in particular has an abundance of mid-century architectural gems, in the first two rounds of voting, the Valley was barely mentioned. However, in the ecclesiastical round, Valley nominees dominate, and many are in our neighborhood; up for vote are the Congregational Church of Northridge, First Lutheran Church of Northridge, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church on Balboa, and Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society, a/k/a "The Onion" in North Hills (that's the church, by the way, and not the newspaper ). Knollwood United Methodist Church, located at 12121 Balboa Boulevard, was designed by architec...