The Granada Hills Holiday Parade: Photos!
I've never been able to get through the Granada Hills Holiday parade without getting verklempt for at least a minute. This year it happened when I saw Semper Fi Towing's flatbed full of U.S. Marines, since I recently lost a Marine Corps family member. I have a great time poking fun at our hokey hometown parade, but I kid because I love. It's long, it's slow, it's corny, and it's ours . A very small drill team member gets in some playground time before the very long march. Sue Stephenson of Orange County PT Cruisers does some last-minute decorating. The bees thought this young lady was a flower, and who could blame them? Yummy bacon-wrapped hot dogs -- just like Hollywood! The little bit of snow left over from the Christmas show at Petit Park is a big thrill for the kids. And new snow is falling! Hey, I was wrong: there were Black Panthers! Power To The People! Most of us peasants had to watch from the sidewalk, but some people ... I don't know him, but I...