
Showing posts from July 23, 2009

What To Do About Billboards, Continued

Is this vandalism, or political commentary? While I generally agree with the sentiment behind GHSNC's "Banning Billboards Resolution," passed over a year ago, I think the wording is a bit softball and the focus is misplaced. Here's the text of the resolution: Banning Billboards Resolution Whereas billboards in the Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council area have become a site of continual graffiti and vandalism; Whereas billboard operators and owners in the GHSNC area have not fulfilled their stewardship in maintaining aesthetic ally pleasing billboard signs, allowing their property to wallow in the stains of graffiti thus forcing our stakeholders to be over-exposed to continual vandalism and encouraging blight in our community; We, the Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council strongly request the Los Angeles City Council and the city of Los Angeles to pass legislation which bans and removes, at the owners’ expense, all billboards in our boundaries within ...