Organ Transplant Recipients Will Gather in Guinness World Records Title Attempt at the Donate Life Run/Walk & Family Festival

14th Annual Run/Walk Honors Those Touched by Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation, Inspires Southland Residents to Donate Life

Elsa Arana, Granada Hills resident, made the decision to donate her son Marco’s organs when he passed away suddenly at the age of 28 in a car accident. 

In 2010, the Arana family had the rare opportunity to meet one of Marco’s organ recipients: David Jones, a young African American man who had been undergoing dialysis treatments for 11 hours a day before he received the life-saving gift of a kidney.

Now, Elsa dedicates her time to being an Ambassador for OneLegacy, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving and healing lives through organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation. As an ambassador Elsa spreads the word about the life-saving power of organ donation and inspires others to register as donors. OneLegacy’s Ambassadors adopt cities, DMV field offices, high schools and hospitals. Through these community-based efforts, Ambassadors share their stories, encourage registration and engage leaders to make a commitment to the cause. 

The Donate Life Run/Walk & Family Festival is poised to achieve a new milestone this year on April 30, 2016 by setting a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for the largest gathering of organ transplant recipients in one location.

If the group of heart, lung, kidney, pancreas, intestine and liver transplant recipients assembled at the Donate Life Run/Walk is successful, the milestone will be the first of its kind on record.

The mission of the Donate Life Run/Walk & Family Festival is to inspire and educate the community about organ, eye and tissue donation and encourage people to register as a donor. 

The Donate Life Run/Walk is produced by OneLegacy, the non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives through organ, eye and tissue donation in seven Southern California counties.

“More than 22,000 Californians are currently awaiting the donation of a life-saving heart, liver, kidney, lung or pancreas, while thousands more are in need of donated bone, skin, tissue and corneas,” said Tom Mone, CEO of One Legacy. “But there is hope. If enough of our fellow Californians make the generous decision to become organ and tissue donors, these lives can be saved and healed.”

All proceeds from the Donate Life Run/Walk benefit the OneLegacy Foundation, which conducts public education efforts to inspire people to choose donation and funds research to improve outcomes for donors, their families and recipients.

Individuals and teams can register to participate in the Run/Walk at <> , where information is also available for transplant recipients interested in joining the record attempt.
To register as a donor, please visit <>  or <> . ###


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