Mitch Englander To Speak at GHNNC

A message from Kim Thompson, President of Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council:

Please join Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council as we welcome our new City Councilman, Mitch Englander at our board meeting this Monday, September 26th at 6:30 PM. Our meetings are held at the Rinaldi Adult School located at 17450 Rinaldi Street. Mitch will be speaking and then answering questions from the audience.

If you have questions for the Councilman, please have them written down so that if there are any that we don’t have time to get answered, he can take them with him.

Agendas will be online at on Friday after 6:30 PM.

We serve dinner at every meeting. Please come, listen to the Councilman discuss issues that most affect CD 12 and the City, eat dinner and stay to hear what YOUR neighborhood council is doing for you here in Granada Hills!

Thank you and we hope to see you there.

Kim Thompson
President, GHNNC


  1. How about dinner from Jersey Mike's ....we can give you a deal

  2. The only thing I really care to hear Mitch speak about is his leaving office (I can dream, can't I)... The man is a real sleaze bag! I truly do miss Greig.

  3. You miss Greig? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

  4. They serve dinner? Who's paying for that? How about the polo shirts I saw a neighborhood council member wearing while eating from a food truck the other day? Is clothing worn on personal time an acceptable use of tax dollars?

  5. This should be corrected to reflect that Mitch Englander will be at the GHNNC meeting, not GHSNC. Thanks.

  6. No, I've had a number of ecounters with both Mitch and Greig, and I have found Mitch to be much sleazier and not nearly as trust worthy... I'd take Greig in a heartbeat over Mitch!

  7. To Jersey Mike's - I'll send Sue to speak to you about a deal. We love to shop local and I'm sure you love to give back to your community. To anonymous asking about dinner - The NC pays for it with your tax money. Each NC gets $40,500 a year to spend to let the community know that we are here. It is used for Outreach, meetings, an office, and food. If we're going to have meetings at 6:30 - 9:30, the least we can do for our stakeholders is to make sure they have something to eat. If you're bothered by that, I invite you to attend one of our meetings and tell us at Public Comment what your thoughts are about food at meetings and anything else on your mind.

    I doubt it was one of GHNNC's board members eating off a food truck, but we do all have the same color of green polo shirts so it's hard to tell. When we have an Outreach event, it's nice to be able to tell who the board is from their shirts. That's another comment for the meeting during the Public Comment portion of the meeting!

    Please come. We encourage Public Comments from our stakeholders and we don't limit you to 2 minutes!


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