Food Truck "Best Practices" Meeting at VFW Tonight

WHENWednesday, August 31, 2011, 3 – 5pm
WHEREVeterans of Foreign Wars Post 2323
17522 Chatsworth Street
Granada Hills, CA 91344
EVENT TYPENeighborhood Event

Join representatives of Council District 12, LAPD, Southern California Mobile Food Vendors Association, L.A. Department of Transportation, and L.A. County Department of Health to discuss best practices for food trucks operating in Old Granada Hills Village.

Help keep the largest gathering of food trucks anywhere in L.A. safe, legal, sustainable, and fun for all.

Co-sponsored by Councilman Englander, Twelfth District, Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council, and the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, or to RSVP, call Erik Richrdson at Council District 12 at (818)756-8501 or


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