Meeting on LAFD Staffing Cuts Tomorrow

From Porter Ranch NC:

We would now like to invite you to a very important meeting Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 6:00 PM at Shepherd of the Hills Church at 19700 Rinaldi Street arranged by Councilman Grieg Smith. Chiefs from the Los Angeles Fire Department will explain the staff reductions at the Fire Department, and particularly the drastic cuts in service at the Fire Stations that serve Porter Ranch. Please join us so that you can understand the reductions in Fire and Ambulance services in our area. You will be given a chance to ask questions about the reductions of service and their impact on response times when you have a fire, traffic accident, or medical emergency. The Fire Department will also explain how the reductions will affect us all during and earthquake, brush fire, or terrorist incident anywhere in Los Angeles.

See you there,
The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council

LAFD has proposed significant cuts to fire station staffing in our neighborhood.

From what has been shared with us already the plan will dramatically reduce fire service in our area:

There will no longer be staffing for the ambulance at Fire Station 8 on Tampa

There will no longer be a hook and ladder truck at Fire Station 28 on Corbin.
The Firefighters on the Truck provide roof ventilation in structure fires
The Truck carries all of the specialized extracting tools, like the Jaws of Life, necessary to remove victims from car crashes. The Firefighters on the truck have special training with those tools
The Truck carries ropes and specialized equipment to rescue hikers injured on our trails
The Truck carries other specialized tools for downed trees and unique rescues
The personnel on the Truck can be used to fight brush fires by operating a specialized four wheel drive pumper
The ambulance at Fire Station 28 will only be staffed at night and weekends

A pumper truck and the four fire fighters that operate it at Fire Station 96 in Chatsworth will be moved to another part of the city.


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