BID's Memorial Day Plans Criticized

The Granada Hills Business Improvement District is planning a celebration in downtown GH today, but not everyone is excited.

Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council Member (and sometime Giga Granada Hills contributor) Brad Smith criticized BID's decision to hold a Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony on Memorial Day, a day that Smith said should be reserved for commemoration of war dead, not for a celebration of commerce.

"With all due regard for the good that the GHIA/BID has accomplished when it comes to the streetscape on Chatsworth Street, Memorial Day is not the day to cheapen with boosterism," Smith said, adding that it would have been more appropriate to have scheduled the event on Saturday or Sunday.

Giga Granada Hills contacted Brian Miller of Granada Hills BID, but Miller did not respond to a request for comment.


  1. Well, Brad Smith certainly IS an expert on "boosterism!"

  2. The trees and median look great, but it is a waist of money. The BID has a "if we build it, they will come" mentality. This only works in the movies. BID does not seem to be able to think outside the box. The Chamber and BID don't even know how to take advantage of the food trucks that visit the area and have brought hundreds of people to the area. Property owners should save their money and get rid of BID.

  3. The BID might also want to invest in spellcheck; on the front page of the "long-awaited" website, they manage both "unprescented" and "honoress"...although given that the "honoress" are Smith and Englander, maybe it was intentional.

    There are some real howlers on the inside pages, as well.

  4. Maybe they're the ones who said it was a "waist" of money! Hilarious.

  5. Except for the fact that the property owners - and theough them, the tenants and their customers - are paying for the GHIA website.

    No one is paying to post in Linda's comments section; it is just individuals snarking.

  6. I was at the BID ceremony videotaping the unveiling. The
    event started with our Color Guard from VFW 2323 along with a pray for the fallen. Also, VFW 2323 dedicated this day to last soldiers name placed at the Veterans Park Memorial Wall. I will send Giga the video excerpt of the speech given. BID made sure this street dedication was also about the men & women of our military. A class act all the way... you all should of come out to celebrate the beautification of your city...Video will be completed soon!


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