Brad Smith Withdraws From Campaign

This morning, City Council Candidate Brad Smith withdrew from the campaign, sending the following letter:

All -

Thank you for your support and encouragement in this effort. It has been truly rewarding to see so much support from my hometown, a community that Maria and I love. However, it is with deep regret that I am announcing I am withdrawing from the race. For very real personal and financial issues, I will not be able to devote the time and energy necessary to this campaign.

Although it appears at this point my name will remain on the ballot, I will not be actively campaigning, fundraising, advertising, or endorsing any other candidate. This is a personal decision arrived at after much thought.

We will, of course, be paying our campaign bills and returning as much as we can to our donors. Again, thank you again for your kindnesses and encouragement; I truly appreciate it.

Very respectfully,

Brad Smith

Although City Councilman is a nonpartisan post, it bears mentioning that Smith was the only Democrat in the field of contenders.


  1. Wow. He was the best candidate to defeat the appointed one. I'm quite disappointed. Not at all happy with the Englander (it's my seat attitude) train.

  2. That makes me sick to my stomach. Mitchell Englander is the worst thing that can happen to CD 12. Brad was the only chance.

  3. It looks like Smith might be back in.

    Take a look at his website.

  4. Who does he think he is, Ross Perrott (I'm in, I'm out, I'm back in)?

    We're voting for Kelly Lord.

  5. The anti-Englander crowd must rally around a single alternative candidate. I have not yet listened to Lord's interview, but his writing skills are well below what is expected of a $170,000 a year position. From his website, "However the most significantly change, loss of industry cannot.. Once we had Auto manufacturing, machine and fabrication shops, and an impressive array of aerospace companies. From these industries there came a strong supporting cast, compose of a mired of skill trades and small supporting companies. "

    Really? "The most significantly change", "a mired of skill trades"?

    Can this man not even proofread the front page of his website? It's embarrassing. I'd like to see some honesty from Brad Smith about what went on. I think that could go a long way toward rallying support around him.


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