Can You Lend Me A Hand, You Big Strong Hunk Of A Man?

Librarian + Hottie = Lottie!
The Friends Of The Granada Hills Library are setting up a used book sale, and they need your help at 3pm on Thursday, October 21.

Usually, book sales are set up on Saturday mornings, with the assistance of Boy Scouts, but this sale is scheduled on a weekday afternoon, and so most scouts will be in school.

This could be a good opportunity for a service effort for a youth group, a student government/leadership class, or simply some volunteers from the community.

Lottie Van Emden, GH Library volunteer (pictured at left) says, "We need strong guys who have just a little time to get the job done. Contact me at"

P.S. Okay, that's not really a picture of Lottie. It's her older sister.


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