Papas Tapas!

The very worthwhile website Drink Eat Travel has this to say about Saturday Food Truck Fest participants Papas Tapas:

Tapas come from the verb tapar, which means to cover in Spanish. It is also the name for Spanish appetizers and snacks. The Muccia family tell us they came up with the idea for Papas Tapas food truck after visiting the L.A. Street Food Fest back in February 2010. Papa Mike Muccia is the cook in the family and Mama Julia loves to entertain and throw parties. They already had the ingredients necessary for a successful food truck! The Muccias were determined to have their own food truck and after four months of elaborate planning, Papas Tapas finally hit the streets.

“One of our more popular items is the croquetas.” Julia told us. The croquetas are balls made out of dough with ham, fried and served with garlic aioli. We also tried the La Tortilla del Calabacin con Queso de Cabra, which is an omelette with zucchini, goat cheese and parmesan cheese topped with garlic aioli that sits on top of a small salad with two olives on the side. Very sophisticated and the zucchini flavor and texture melded nicely together with the mix of cheeses.

Yum. You had me at cheese.

Granada Hills Movie Night And Food Truck Fest is this Saturday, Sept. 11 at Granada Hills Recreation Center, 16730 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills. Admission is free. Food Trucks start serving at 6pm, a screening of The Incredibles begins at dusk.


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