North Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair

On Saturday, October 2, drop by Fire Station 87 for the North Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair from 11-3pm.

City, county and state agencies will be there distributing safety information available, free safety items, child fingerprinting, and a drawing for an emergency response kit. Also, take a ride on the earthquake truck!

Fire Station 87 is located on Balboa just south of Devonshire.


  1. Thanks Linda. This is going to be a great event, with a bag of safety related goodies for each family, a free drawing for tow awesome emergency kits, free burgers and hot dogs, drinks, and lots of childrens activites. Come over and have a good time.

  2. (Press Release) –
    Access – Not Abuse

    When it comes to your property, what do you expect in case of loss (hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, fire, etc.)? The disaster itself is news. "What happens after the dust settles is the story: the aftermath shock," said author Antone P. Braga. " With a little curiosity, insurance policyholders can mitigate that shock, and gain emotional/mental preparedness—fortitude.

    The ordinary insuring public now has access: basic rights and vital information—even footing, equality—the security of knowing what to expect in terms of disaster preparedness/recovery," Braga said.

    For more general information, go to
    # # #


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