Budget Committee Votes To Slash Neighborhood Council Funding By Half

On Monday, the City of Los Angeles Budget and Finance Committee voted to cut neighborhood council budgets by half, from $45,000 a year to $22,500 a year, and voted to take away all the the councils' unused rollover funds.

Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council President Dave Beauvais said via email of the proposed cuts, "We understand that the City is going through a financial crisis and that funding is tight, but the reality is that Neighborhood Councils are much more attuned to the needs of their respective communities and make much greater use of the modest funding we receive than a bunch of bureaucrats downtown."

The City Council will vote on the Committee's recommendation on March 2nd.


  1. Good news, I think. According to an article from latimes.com:

    Today Feb. 3, 2010, the Los Angeles City Council postponed a decision on proposals to eliminate the Department on Disability, the Environmental Affairs Department and the Human Services Department, pushing back those decisions for another month. And they refused to cut funds for neighborhood councils.

    To read the full article go to: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-la-budget4-2010feb04,0,564488.story

    The City of Los Angeles is in crisis mode facing a $218-million+ budget shortfall. Some want to cut jobs, others want to raise revenues.

    You can let your voice be heard by going to the GHNNC website and completing the Mayor's Budget Survey. Now is the time to get involved before it is too late. Please email your Councilmember with your ideas and concerns regarding the budget. The decisions the City Council makes within the next month will affect all of us.

    Sue DeVandry
    GHNNC Outreach Chairperson


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